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Our Story


In the heart of our founding lies a deep commitment to honoring God through our devoted service to others. The essence of our name, "12 Doors Real Estate," carries profound significance, drawing from the biblical account of Jesus feeding the multitude with only two fish and five loaves of bread. It's a story of divine provision and abundance, where blessings overflowed and left twelve baskets filled with remnants.

Within the number "12" lies the essence of our mission—a symbol of divine multiplication, where the smallest offerings yield abundance beyond measure. Each basket gathered at the end of that miraculous feast speaks to the boundless generosity that flows when faith meets action.


Moreover, the word "Doors" in our name represents far more than mere entryways; they symbolize pathways to opportunity and new beginnings. Through our services, we strive to open these doors for every individual we serve, offering not just transactions, but genuine pathways to brighter futures.

So, at 12 Doors Real Estate, our mission isn't just about buying and selling properties—it's about embodying the spirit of God in every interaction. It's about recognizing the divine potential in every person we encounter and empowering them to step through those doors of opportunity towards a better tomorrow.

Let's Work Together

Are you interested in buying or selling a home? Look no further than working with our real estate experts.